
95 lines
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# Nix wrapper for Lazy.nvim
## Installation
### For flakes (recommended)
# Add flake to your flakes inputs:
inputs.nix-lazy-nvim.url = "git+";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nix-lazy-nvim, ... }:
# ...
nixosConfiguration."<your-hostname>" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# ...
modules = [
home-manager.sharedModules = [ inputs.nix-lazy-nvim.homeManagerModules.default ];
# ...
# ...
## Usage
See also [lazy.nvim]( plugin spec.
| Property | Type | Description |
| plugin | derivation | The plugins vimPlugin derivation. |
| lazy | bool | Like [lazy.nvim]( |
| enabled | bool | Like [lazy.nvim]( |
| dependecies | list attrset | List of plugin definitions. |
| init | str | Lua code to run on startup. |
| opts | attrset | Attrset of primitive types (str, bool, int, float, list, attrset) which gets transformed into lua |
| conf | str | Lua code. Like config function body in [lazy.nvim]( |
| event | list str | List of event names to lazy load on. |
| cmd | list str | List of commands to lazy load on. |
| ft | list str | List of filetypes to lazy load on. |
| keys | attrset | See [Example](#example) |
| priority | int | Like [lazy.nvim]( |
## Example
{ pkgs, ... }:
programs.neovim.lazy.plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
# Simple lazy loaded plugin based on events
plugin = nvim-surround;
event = [ "BufReadPost" "BufNewFile" ];
opts = { };
# Or based on keys
plugin = refactoring-nvim;
keys = [
{ key = "<leader>re"; cmd = ": Refactor eextract "; desc = "Extract"; mode = [ "x" ]; }
{ key = "<leader>rf"; cmd = ": Refactor extract_to_file "; desc = "Extract to file"; mode = [ "x" ]; }
{ key = "<leader>rv"; cmd = ": Refactor extract_var "; desc = "Extract variable"; mode = [ "x" ]; }
{ key = "<leader>ri"; cmd = ": Refactor inline_var"; desc = "Inline variable"; mode = [ "n" "x" ]; }
{ key = "<leader>rI"; cmd = ": Refactor inline_func"; desc = "Inline function"; mode = [ "n" "x" ]; }
{ key = "<leader>rb"; cmd = ": Refactor extract_block"; desc = "Extract block"; mode = [ "n" ]; }
{ key = "<leader>rbf"; cmd = ": Refactor extract_block_to_file"; desc = "Extract block to file"; mode = [ "n" ]; }
dependencies = [
{ plugin = plenary-nvim; }
{ plugin = nvim-lspconfig; }
opts = { };
# Example usage for color themes. Should have a high priority and should not be lazy loaded.
# Also shows usage of conf.
plugin = catppuccin-nvim;
conf = ''
compile_path = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/catppuccin", -- fix issue of writing to nix store
lazy = false;
priority = 99;