{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }: { users.users.moritz.shell = pkgs.fish; # needed for nix completions programs.fish.enable = true; home-manager.users.moritz = { programs = { fish = { enable = true; shellAbbrs = { us = "systemctl --user"; rs = "doas systemctl"; ga = "git add"; gb = "git branch"; gc = "git commit"; gco = "git checkout"; gd = "git diff"; gds = "git diff --staged"; gp = "git push"; gs = "git status"; }; shellAliases = { du = "dust"; ls = "exa -lh --icons --git"; cat = "bat"; feh = "feh --auto-zoom --scale-down"; grep = "rg"; rm = "rm -i"; mv = "mv -i"; ssh = "TERM=xterm-color command ssh"; nix-switch = "doas nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/.dotfiles"; nix-boot = "doas nixos-rebuild boot --flake ~/.dotfiles"; nix-lock = "doas nixos-rebuild dry-activate --flake ~/.dotfiles --recreate-lock-file"; }; shellInit = '' fzf_configure_bindings --git_log=\cg # Vi Mode fish_vi_key_bindings # Emulates vim's cursor shape behavior # Set the normal and visual mode cursors to a block set fish_cursor_default block # Set the insert mode cursor to a line set fish_cursor_insert line # Set the replace mode cursor to an underscore set fish_cursor_replace_one underscore # The following variable can be used to configure cursor shape in # visual mode, but due to fish_cursor_default, is redundant here set fish_cursor_visual block # Variables set -x EDITOR TERM=kitty-direct emacsclient -t # HACK to fix 24bit color support with kitty ''; functions = { gi = '' set url https://www.gitignore.io/api if test (count $argv) -ne 1 set list (curl -sL $url/list | string split ",") set choice (string split " " $list | fzf -m --preview "curl -sL $url/{}" | string join ",") else set choice $argv[1] end curl -sL $url/$choice > .gitignore ''; fish_greeting = ""; cheat = "cht.sh $argv | bat -p"; }; plugins = [{ name = "dracula"; src = inputs.dracula-fish; }]; }; fzf.enableFishIntegration = true; starship.enableFishIntegration = true; }; home.packages = with pkgs.fishPlugins; [ fzf-fish pisces ]; }; }